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Green Energy Road Map to Zero Emisi 2060

The decline in the potential for fossil energy resources and the increasingly high price of energy has opened up market opportunities to develop New and Renewable Energy . PT.TBS with engineering capabilities and underwater work technology will raise resources to develop wind energy and Tidal Energy projects based on the potential of sea breezes and sea tides. This potential is very suitable for Indonesian waters with many small islands and straits that store current energy for all time. This project supports the achievement of zero emissions by 2060. PT. TBS is building this technology foundation by cooperating with domestic and foreign partners.

Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation

The Rob disaster and rising sea levels caused damage to coastal areas. In the future, with PT TBS engineering, it will develop a dam/sea fort structure, which will be integrated with coastal rehabilitation activities and the revitalization of coastal cultivation areas. This project is urgently needed in the coastal areas of Indonesia which are experiencing physical, ecological and economic disasters. The initiative to revitalize this Project will support the achievements of the MDGs which will improve the lives of coastal communities and protect coastal areas.

Clean Energy/ Wind and Tidal Energy

Welcoming zero emissions by 2060 PT.TBS lays the foundation for research and thought to develop environmentally friendly renewable energy. The potential for strait tides and currents, as well as the potential for wind on the coast and waters in Indonesia are sources of clean energy that will be developed by PT. TBS. TBS’s capabilities in the field of marine civil engineering provide capital towards the development of clean and inexpensive energy for communities in the Indonesian archipelago.

Air Bersih di Pulau Kecil (Carbonat Island)

In fulfilling one of the basic human needs is clean water and sanitation. PT.TBS develops surveys and diving techniques that support the search for clean water on small islands/carbonate islands. Cave diving and engineering skills to uncover the potential for clean water on small islands/carbonat islands will be the company’s priority development targets. PT.TBS mobilizes its resources to support the development of small islands/carbonat islands in water-stressed areas of Indonesia.

Carbonat Island

Food Security

Indonesia as a maritime country has fishery economic potential. The decline in the capture fisheries population and the increasing human population provide opportunities for the development of marine farming/culture on a massive scale and new technology. The market for food sources in the form of fish containing protein is getting bigger. PT.TBS will focus on business strategy and business and knowledge development in the field of structural engineering of floating fish cages, subsea fish cages, dynamic movement of subsea fish cages. Engineering engineering support in this field will guarantee the fulfillment of protein for the community and preserve the marine environment. This project will support the national food security and self-sufficiency program in the sector of fulfilling cheap protein from marine aquaculture and preserving the marine environment.

Deep Sea Mining

Undersea mining is the process of taking minerals that are carried out at the bottom/floor of the ocean. Ocean floor mining sites are usually located at depths of more than 1,000 m below sea level. The area is suspected to contain deposits of major mining materials such as metal silver, gold, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel and others. These deposits are mined using technology that can operate deep in the depths of the sea using a robotic system and hydraulic pumps to transport basic materials/ocean floor to the surface for processing. Technology and the ability to explore and exploit mineral resources on the floor/bottom of the ocean depths are opportunities and challenges in the future in Indonesian waters. PT. TBS has the foresight to develop knowledge and resources to utilize the wealth of seabed mining materials in a sustainable manner.